Odyssey: The Prologue
Odyssey: The Prologue
Story Odyssey Badge
PiperX OG can enter the challenge to earn a soul bound PiperX badge representing your participation on PiperX during Odyssey testnet!
Phase I Badge Claim: the snapshot has done. Note: Claiming in Phase 1 means you do NOT need to join Phase 2. Secure your badge now to confirm your early participation.
- Snapshot finished
- Claim ended
Phase II Badge Claim: we will take snapshot of your OG tier before the claim window end date, If you are eligible for the badge, you can claim the PiperX Badge. Note: Your OG tier status will be verified by this snapshot. If you missed Phase I, Phase II provides another opportunity to claim.
- Claim window begin at 02:00 AM UTC 2024.12.6
- Claim before 02:00 AM UTC 2024.12.9
*This badge is soulbound, non transferable to other wallets or owners
The Badge Program has ended
Step One
Become a PiperX OG Starter
Step Two
Swap at least 1 $IP to $PIP at PiperX
Step Three
Add $PIP - $IP or $VIP - $IP concentrated liquidity to the PiperX pool
Phase II Claim window ends in